A Landing page for a web3 that not only provides staking services but also lets you earn from your own crypto assets.
ReactJS, SASS and framer motion was used to implement the frontend
Core Launch
Core launch is a web3 dapp that allows you to launch new tokens and trade them on the core network
NextJS, Typescript, tailwindCSS and framer-motion was used for the frontend implementation and WAGMI and web3 modal was used for the web3 and wallet integration and interaction.
This is an entertainment app that displays movie and the details from TMDB api endpoints, features the search and bookmark feature.
Built the frontend using ReactJS for the logic
and API calls, React Router dom for routing and location
monitoring, Tailwind CSS for styling, framer-motion for the animation.
Analytical Dashboard
An Analytical dashboard that displays user informations and analysis
Built the frontend using ReactJS for the logic
and API calls, React Router dom for routing and location
monitoring, Tailwind CSS for styling, framer-motion for the animation.
Lend SQR clone
The Project was an assesment test by lendsqr and the figma
design was provided as well as a mock API.
Built the frontend using React and typescript for the logic
and API calls, React Router dom for routing and location
monitoring, CSS for styling, Datejs to format the date.
Fluidcoin Clone
Recreated the fluidcoin website from scratch because i loved the UI and the animations and decided to try it out. Here is the Design reference
Built the frontend using React js, TailwndCSS for styling and Motion framer for the animations.
beings NFT
Beings NFT is a NFT collection from pallete labs
Built the frontend using Next js,Javascript for the logic,
Framer Motion for the animations, React Router dom for routing
and location monitoring, TailwndCSS for styling.
NFT Mafia
NFT mafia is a community of NFT enthusiast that provide value
to their community members while the members bring value to
the community in return.
Built the frontend using React,Javascript for the logic,
EtherJS to connect wallet of the users, React Router dom for
routing and location monitoring, TailwndCSS for styling,
framer Motion for animations NodeJS and moongose for the
backend, MongoDB to store user informations.
Interactive comment section
A personal project I worked on. it allowes users to post,
reply, delete and vote comments.
Built the frontend using React and Javascript for the logic,
Local Storage to store informations temporarily, TailwindCSS
for styling,Framer motion for the animations and netlify for
Bolt Music App
Bolt Music is a music streaming platform that allows the users
to create an account, sign in, search and listen to music as
well as get the lyrics.
Built the frontend using React js, The Backend engineer
provided the API endpoints to be used. used React Router dom
for routing and location monitoring, TailwndCSS for styling.
Tenzies Game
A die rolling game that runs on React JS incoporating state
A project built using ReactJs for the frontend and logic,
using the various react hooks for the state management and
props drilling
Tricord Global website
A website for an agricultural organisation involved in the
growth, processing and storage of agricultural product. built
using Vanilla JS and CSS.
Pinksale landing page clone
A landing page clone for Built using React JS for
and Bootstrap CSS for the design.
Rating component
A component that allows you to give ratings
Built with HTML and vanilla CSS for the frontend and
Javascript for the logic.